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Can machine safety enable increased productivity?

Yes, adhering to safety standards whilst optimising productivity is possible by considering specific safety components in key design areas, selected from our comprehensive product portfolio.

Always striving to: 

  • Keep operators safe
  • Adhere to the safety standards
  • Reduce downtime
  • Reduce service based costs

How do we optimise safety and increase productivity at the same time?

Elimination of potential failure points

  • Simplified performance level evaluation by using self-monitoring safety products
  • Simplified calculations using Omron’s SISTEMA library
  • Reduced wiring complexity in panel
  • Reduced cost

Using the in-built Safety Torque Off [STO] in our MX2 inverter and G5 servo drive series, means no contactors are required and therefore not only simplifies machine design and panel layout, but importantly removes possible points of failure

Minimise machine changeover time

  • Dynamically sets the appropriate beams based on work piece
  • More configuration options available (Full and partial muting)
  • Error log available enables simple analysis of common faults
  • Bluetooth link to PC or tablet [Windows only]
  • Configuration via SD manager 2

Our F3SG RA series of light curtains features a dynamic muting function that automatically adjusts to a range of products entering an area, this greatly improves machine changeover time.

Eliminate machine stoppages

  • Stable operation
  • Series connection without loss of safety performance level
  • Tolerance to misalignment
  • LED indication for easy visual identification
  • Multiple configurations possible
    • 30off in series with G9SX
    • 10off in series per SIH400 Sysmac input card
    • 2 sets of 15off in series with G9SP
The combination of our D40Z and G9SX NS provides best in class reliability through a non-contact door switch solution.