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Vibration Suppression

Handling liquids at high speeds? Need to suppress vibration in motion applications? See how the Sysmac NJ Machine Automation Controller manages.

Accurate control of fluid and fragile material transport processes are made possible using advanced motion Function Blocks in the Sysmac NJ machine controller, delivering high performance, simple integration and easy operation, to ensure that you’ll never spill a drop, or smash your glass!

Find out what our customers say: "30% faster machine with anti-sloshing solution"

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Production process optimisation

The vibration control technology can prevent items from shaking, fluid from sloshing or spilling, cargos from being fetched away or collapsing or fragile materials from falling over and breaking. It can even handle various combinations of these applications, which means that higher-precision process control is possible without costly investments in equipment.

Improved movement control to optimize transportation speed

Production process improvements can be realized by intelligently evaluating mass production process data. For identified improvement areas new technology can be applied to optimize the flow of products or reduce waste. Our vibration suppression technology can realize improved movement control to optimize transportation speed.

The vibration control technology prevents liquid surfaces from sloshing through the use of sloshing suppression control, and transfers the liquid speedily. Because the liquid surface during transportation becomes stable, the speed is enhanced by 20%.

Reduced waiting times

When transporting liquids unwanted sloshing may influence the accuracy of a weighing process e.g. for determining the correct content of pharmaceutical products. The resulting waiting time until the liquid sloshing has stopped can be reduced using our vibration suppression technology.

The preprogrammed function blocks make software development easier and faster. For system design, setup and change-overs there's less need for external automation expertise and its faster to implement the software. The same software can be utilized for different package sizes or products. This makes it possible to design more flexible machines to address the changing needs of consumer market.