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MicroHAWK ID-20

MicroHAWK ID-20

MicroHAWK ID-20 OEM Barcode Reader

The world’s smallest full-featured and fully-integrated barcode imager, MicroHAWK ID-20 offers OEMs and engineers a perfect set of value and performance options in a tiny, simple, and streamlined solution for embedded designs or WIP traceability. ID-20, the only reader of its kind, offers a single-cable solution that uses USB for both communication (USB 2.0 and Ethernet over USB) and power to enable plug-and-play integration. Mini is now micro and incredibly easy to use.

  • Ultra-compact (19.5 mm x 28.7 mm x 33.9 mm)
  • IP40
  • USB 2.0, Ethernet over USB
  • X-Mode advanced decoding algorithms
  • Integrated targeting and read/pass indicators
  • WebLink browser-based setup interface

Specifications & ordering info

Product Communication port(s) Number of pixels Focus distance Autofocus Camera type Decoder speed Decoder type Frame rate Illumination Image width Image height Optics class Pixel size Shutter type Description
MicroHAWK ID-20, IP40 Case, USB, WVGA, 0.3 Megapixel, Mono, Standard Density, 64 mm focus, Standard Speed, 1D/2D Decoder
MicroHAWK ID-20, IP40 Case, USB, WVGA, 0.3 Megapixel, Mono, Standard Density, 102 mm focus, Standard Speed, 1D/2D Decoder
MicroHAWK ID-20, IP40 Case, USB, WVGA, 0.3 Megapixel, Mono, High Density, 50 mm focus, Standard Speed, X-Mode Decoder
MicroHAWK ID-20, IP40 Case, USB, SXGA, 1.2 Megapixel, Mono, Standard Density, 81 mm focus, Standard Speed, 1D/2D Decoder
MicroHAWK ID-20, IP40 Case, USB, SXGA, 1.2 Megapixel, Mono, Standard Density, 81 mm focus, Standard Speed, X-Mode Decoder
MicroHAWK ID-20, IP40 Case, USB, SXGA, 1.2 Megapixel, Mono, Standard Density, 102 mm focus, Standard Speed, 1D/2D Decoder
MicroHAWK ID-20, IP40 Case, USB, SXGA, 1.2 Megapixel, Mono, Standard Density, 102 mm focus, No LED, Standard Speed, X-Mode Decoder
MicroHAWK ID-20, IP40 Case, USB, SXGA, 1.2 Megapixel, Mono, High Density, 64 mm focus, Standard Speed, 1D/2D Decoder
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The MicroHAWK® family of barcode readers offers the most versatile decoding power available. Built on the highest-performance imaging engine in its class, MicroHAWK readers offer an array of modular hardware options to take on any decoding task in three micro form factors. MicroHAWK readers include features such as integrated lighting and targeting LEDs, flexible cabling, omnidirectional reading, and adjustable read ranges from 50 to 300 mm (2 to 12 in.) or liquid lens autofocus to read codes at any variable range.


Code Reader Technical Manual
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EAC Mark removal Discontinuation Notice
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ESP 6.7.2. Software
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MicroHAWK Device Discovery Utility Software
en ZIP 6.7 MB

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MicroHAWK ID Getting Started Guide
enPDF 1.6 MB
MicroHAWK ID Setup Manual
enPDF 744 KB
MicroHAWK ID Users Manual
enPDF 18.1 MB
MicroHAWK ID Accessory Guide Technical Manual
enPDF 1.06 MB
MicroHAWK ID-20 Datasheet
enPDF 415 KB