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ZX2-LD50V 0.5M

Laser displacement sensor head, 48 +/- 5mm, spot focus (requires amplifier), glass-mirror-wafer applications


Geometrical resolution 0.0015 mm
Measuring range length 43-53 mm
Relative linearity deflection 0.3 %
Sensing distance 48 mm
Sensing distance (min.) 43 mm
Sensing method Background suppression
Spot size 60 µm
Height of sensor 47.5 mm
Width of sensor 22.6 mm
Overall length of sensor 35.5 mm


ZX2-CAL Calculation unit for ZX2 smart sensor
ZX2-XC1R Extension cable (amplifier to head), 1m
ZX2-XC4R Extension cable (amplifier to head), 4m
