A message from our CEO Seigo Kinugawa to customers and partners
To our customers and partners,
These are very challenging times as the world responds to the coronavirus outbreak. Like you, I am watching the rising numbers of infections with concern and have great admiration for all those who are in the front lines combating the effects of the virus, our hearts and thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by the unprecedented events we see unfolding around us.
Our global and regional Coronavirus taskforce teams are closely following the guidelines from the World Health Organization and local government health authorities to ensure that we monitor and adapt our operations and business to ensure a safe, healthy workplace while continuing to provide the best service possible to our customers. We have enabled a dramatic change in our working environment to protect the safety and wellbeing of our employees, their community and our customers. We have implemented remote working where possible and taken active personal protective measures in our factories, distribution centers and sites that remain operational. We are exceptionally proud of the way our team members have adapted to this unique situation and maintained business continuity for our customers.
We are also closely managing the impact on our supply chain operations and are constantly working with our factories, warehouses and distribution centers to maintain a constant flow of products to the market. Our customer care, support teams and engineers have the capability to provide remote services and consulting in many areas, and we will leverage that capability to meet your needs. During this time we are also providing a range of technical and training webinars to enable our customers invest in skills and knowledge development.
To help you to continue your work and operate in this dynamic environment we are publishing information to provide you with updates on important areas covering delivery, technical support, training and how we are supporting communities, this information will be continually updated.
I want to thank you for all you are doing to protect our society during this time, it is our privilege to be entrusted with your business.
Seigo Kinugawa