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Empowering Manufacturers: Building Connections and Breaking Barriers

Available seats
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This event has been postponed. Please stay tuned for updates on the new date. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Did you know that although women make up approximately half of the labor force in the United Kingdom, they represent only 26% of all workers in the manufacturing industry? We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Women in Manufacturing, an initiative dedicated to fostering positive change and enhancing gender representation within the manufacturing sector. 

Join us on Wednesday 27 March 2024, for our event ‘Empowering Manufacturers: Building Connections and Breaking Barriers’. This event provides you with the chance to explore the creation of connections and participate in an interactive speed networking session. The best part? It’s inclusive for everyone! Regardless of age, gender, or job title, if you work in the manufacturing industry, this is your opportunity to strengthen your personal brand. Don’t miss out – sign up today to secure your spot!

Agenda TBC:

10:00 – 10:30
Registration and tea / coffee
10:30 – 11:00
Allyship: Speaker TBC
11:00 – 11:30
Breaking Barriers: A Framework for Inclusive AI
Speakers: Jennifer Castaneda-Navarrete, Senior Policy Analyst, IfM Engage, University of Cambridge and Zoi Roupakia, Research Associate, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge
11:30 – 12:30
Speed Networking
12:30 – 13:00
Lunch and end of event