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Data is key for your business

NJ controller with direct access to database

Direct data tracing solution

To take good key decisions, you need accurate and timely data. That's why the direct link between databases and machine controllers is important. Our solution removes the need for middleware or PC data concentrator. It allows you to get real time data from plant floor to relational database system.

  • Less maintenance leads to improved productivity
  • Better data helps to take quality decisions

Less maintenance leads to improved productivity

No matter how many production lines and machines, the data is collected every instance which helps you to improve productivity and quality.

The NJ controller can directly access databases without a separate computer. Our set of function blocks, allow your machine engineers to easily set up the connection to the database.


  • No hardware and software updates or virus protection maintenance required (because no middleware is present)
  • Non-stop production: preventive maintenance
  • System simplicity

Better data helps to take quality decisions

In order to take appropriate business decisions, the quality of data is crucial. With NJ SQL, you are better able to take better quality based decisions because precise and accurate factory data is provided. Data such as production conditions, production results are stored at the individual product level.


  • Reliable production traceability aiming for zero defects.
  • Judgement of Factory improvement area.
  • Productivity improvement.
  • Sharing issues and solutions know-how between factories.