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Training and Education Services

TC42 - Vision Systems Basic

The Vision Systems Basic course is an introduction to the FH Vision System for technicians and engineers who either have little or no experience of the FH programming environment.

The course is primarily using the FH Simulator software on Laptops which is a duplicate of the operating environment of a hardware controller. Hands on training examples are used to familiarise users with navigation around the software and to understand the commonly used Tools and controller operation.

Course Details:

Introduction to FH / FZ  system and Hardware

  • Controller Models
  • Camera types and lenses
  • Lighting Basics

Using the PC simulator software

  • Firmware versions
  • Navigation and understanding the programming/operating environment

General overview of inspection tools and configuring Scenes (programs)

  • Review of the Tools available
  • Understand the main 'commonly used' tools
  • Run through application examples in more detail using stored application images on the Simulator

Logging images and backing up scenes to USB

  • How to save programs to/from a controller
  • Saving images for records / review

Input and Outputs

  • Input / Output wiring
  • Overview of inputs and outputs via Communication protocols

Simulator software is a free of charge item.

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