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Cobot Pressure and Force Measurement (PFM)

When a collaborative robot system is using the Power and Force Limiting (PFL) function as a risk reduction method, real force and pressure values during contact events need to be validated. With the use of specialist calibrated equipment, our Safety Service consultant will measure all quasi-static and transient contacts identified during the risk assessment. This service ensures both values will remain below limit thresholds in accordance with ISO/TS 15066.

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How it works

The cobot’s PFL function will allow monitoring of torques applied to the robot axes to control the force applied in each circumstance. However, the pressure exerted on a possible contact will still depend on the contact surfaces.

This means that the tool or other accessories used in your cobot will cause pressure to be applied to the contact area that must remain below the limit thresholds established by ISO/TS 15066.

For this reason, once a list with every possible contact event, both quasi-static and transient, has been obtained through a risk analysis of your specific application, our consultants will measure both the force and pressure applied in each of those events, allowing verification of whether those values are within the limit thresholds or further optimization is required.

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