How the RB1200 Cobot Palletiser Can Simplify Your Automation Deployment
Published on 13 April, 2022 in Flexible Manufacturing
The Challenges of Robotic Palletiser Implementation
Most robotic palletisers are large, bulky systems that take up significant space in an environment where it is at a premium. Space requirements in factories and warehouses, especially during end-of-line processes, is an important challenge in robotic palletiser implementation.
Overall, robotic palletisers positively impact the safety of employees, removing a significant cause of RSIs and more severe injuries. However, they do introduce new machinery into the workplace, presenting a different kind of risk.
Software design for robotic palletisers is often based on complex programming languages that require costly and time-consuming training to master.
Many automated palletiser systems are inflexible and designed for only a specific task. As a result, they may require significant downtime to change functionality, adjust to new pallet layouts, or redeploy to new lines.
RB1200 Cobot Palletiser
- Compactsizereducesthefootprintrequiredfor operation
- Comprehensivesafetyfeaturesallowforquickand compliant deployment
- Softwaredesignbasedonanintuitiveandeasyto learn interface
- Flexibleusethatworksnomattertheapplication, reducing downtime and maximising utilisation