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RFID non-contact door switch

RFID Non-contact switches are designed to monitor hinge, sliding or removal guard doors.

  • Based on RFID technology (code) and hall technology (distance check)
  • The RFID-design covers two operation models with very high anti-tamper level:
    • M-types (Master coded): Any sensor works with any actuator, like traditional switches
    • U-types (Unique coded): Each sensor and actuator use a unique code. This is a solution for applications that requires even a higher anti-tamper level
  • Connect up to 20 switches in series
  • LED supports easy diagnosis
  • Compensation of mechanical tolerances
  • Non-contact – no abrasion – no particles
  • Operates with all OMRON safety controllers
  • Suitable for CIP/SIP processes and high pressure cleaning due IP69K (pre-wired types)
  • Conforms to safety categories up to PLe acc. EN ISO 13849-1

Specifications & ordering info

Product Door switch type Guard-lock Coding Material housing Ambient temperature (operating) Door contacts NC Door contacts NO LED indicator Connection method Cable length Cable exit direction Degree of protection (IP) Switch without actuator Description
Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable
Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable
Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, elongated plastic housing, 2NC/1NO, M12 connector pigtail 8-pin
Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable
Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable
Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, elongated plastic housing, 2NC/1NO, M12 connector pigtail 8-pin
Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable
Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable
Non-contact door switch, small, RFID master code, M12 pigtail connector, 2NC+1NO contacts
Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable
Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable
Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail
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