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Energy Monitoring Made Easy

Tutorial guides to simplify the process of acquiring, storing and visualising machine level energy consumption

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Energy Monitoring Made Easy

Tutorial guides to simplify the process of acquiring, storing and visualising machine level energy consumption

Energy Monitoring Made Easy

Energy represents a significant operational cost to all businesses and with the addition of environmental considerations, most companies are looking at ways to reduce energy usage. The most effective way to reduce energy usage is to become more “energy aware” via monitoring devices and through acquiring, storing and visualising energy use at a macro level, to understand where and how this can be achieved. Often the biggest challenge for companies, is understanding where and how to start.
The following tutorials are designed to provide a practical guide on how to begin or enhance your operational capability of acquiring, storing and visualising your machine level energy data.
Step-by-step video guides are provided along with sample programming code and help sheets to simplify deployment of an effective energy monitoring solution using SYSMAC control architecture.

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Tutorial 1

How to setup and connect a KM-N2 power monitor to a SYSMAC controller
In this tutorial you will be guided through the process to connect a KM-N2 power monitor to a SYSMAC control system, establishing read / write communications via ModBus RTU. Providing a platform for Power monitoring by escalating all the required parameters to the control system.
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Tutorial 2

How to setup datalogging to NA HMI SD Card
Building on from tutorial 1, now that data exchange between the KM-N2 power monitor and SYSMAC control system is established. In this tutorial you will be guided through the steps to start a simple datalogging process via the SD card on an OMRON NA HMI.
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Tutorial 3

How to setup datalogging to NJ/NX SD card and access via FTP
In this tutorial you will be guided through the steps to data log the power monitor readings to the SD card on the NJ/NX controller for local storage. But expanding on this to be able to remotely access and escalate the data via FTP transfer.
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Tutorial 4

How to setup datalogging to remote SQL database and provide visualisation with Power BI
In this tutorial you will be guided through the steps to escalate the power monitor data output to a remote SQL database and addition visualise this data directly from the database on Power BI. Providing a complete remote data collection and visualisation solution.
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Energy Monitoring Made Easy

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